Good Remembrance — הכרת הטוב (HaChrot haTov — Gratitude)

Drew Schillinger
2 min readJan 8, 2020

I was recently challenged by a greatly esteemed and admired colleague: if you didn't have daughters, would you still be such a vocal ally (for Ladies in Tech, specifically).

And the answer is yes. I absolutely need to be an Ally.

According to the ancient Jewish mysticism of Kabbalah, the world before "Let there be light," was a world of Chaos. The world we live in is the world of repair.

As a member of the Jewish faith and tradition, making space is my obligation. The word is תיקון עולם (Tikkun Olam) and it means "repair the world".

But I do not speak out and give back due to some commandment. It is out of gratitude.

The Hebrew for gratitude is הכרת הטוב (hachrot hatov — gratitude, but literally translates to good knowledge or good remembrance).

I lost my 10-year-old sister, Ashley, right before going off to college.

I do not speak openly about my past. But I am always vocal about my gratitude for the present.

Through (nearly) 30 years of contemplation, meditation, rumination, I realize that I likely might not have the grit, determination, growth, nor perspective I do were it not for my trauma.

I absolutely would not have the blessings in my life that I enjoy today. Namely, my wife and two daughters

The only way I can show my הכרת הטוב, gratitude, good remembrance, and appreciation for the earned successes (my career trajectory, personal brand) and blessings (my wife and two daughters) in my life is to be vocal. Use my resources to show my appreciation to the world.

If you wish to show your gratitude, sympathy, empathy to these words, then please give back to those around you.

Use your "privilege" in order to make space for others.

If you find yourself in a majority, look at those around you. Encourage others to be more self aware to ensure privilege does not turn into entitlement, but instead grows into הכרת הטוב.



Drew Schillinger

I am a Zen-gineer, coach, manager, and mindful leader whose goal is to encourage and help my teammates succeed in all their endeavors.